
Everything in the world, excluding god’s creations, has been meticulously thought out, planned, developed, designed, and produced. These creative processes all have a starting point; and that is where you and I stand. We are the creators of our own future and the influence for the future of coming generations.

I began this page because I simply believe:

Creativity is contagious, Pass it on.

-Albert Einstein

Among other things, I am an aspiring artist who finds inspiration through the values and practices of others. There is nothing more frustrating than a blank canvas, with no inspiration or direction. This is where the idea for this page was formed, from a blank canvas. In an effort to promote visual artists much like myself, I hope to build an atmosphere where people can come to to find inspiration, useful information, and feedback on their own work. Besides, what would be the fun of making art if you can’t show it off?

So please join me in this journey to make the world a more beautiful place through art and creativity. I do feature artists on this page so if you would like your works to be published for the community please feel free to share them! More information under Contact.

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