How to Draw With Perspective

If you want to take your drawings to the next level, give them realistic depth. Drawing in perspective will make your subject appear to have space within the page. You do this by first identifying the vanishing points on the horizon of your drawing. There are a couple different vanishing points that you can choose... Continue Reading →

An Artist’s Bucket List – Pieces to See in This Lifetime

Bucket List Concept 2 - by Jon Hamilton Over the course of history, creative minds have built an ever-expanding portfolio of amazing works that attract the eye and make us question our possibilities. Granted, "Good Artwork" is a phrase that is very opinionated among each of us individually. However, cumulatively, we have surrounded pieces that... Continue Reading →

What is Creative Expression?

Back to the Wild Illustration - By tubik.arts Many of us remember making art as small children. Building out our 'masterpiece' on the floor or kitchen table or classroom and losing ourselves as we became engulfed in the task at hand. Immersed in a world of paints, crayons, construction paper, brown paper bags and Popsicle... Continue Reading →

Characteristics every successful artist maintain

The Persistence of Memoryby Zhemin Wang Persistence Persistence is the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people. Persistence helps artists with: Improving and perfecting skillsLearn new skillsFinish individual pieces of artBuild a successful art careerSustain an art career If an... Continue Reading →

5 Ways to Render a Building:

From the beginning of time buildings were drawn by hand: Prehistoric The goal of the artist/architect has been to share his envisioned design, including important details, with others who would build it.  Hand sketching/drawing allowed options to be quickly explored: Michelangelo, Florence Once the design was sufficiently developed then hard line drawings including plans elevations and... Continue Reading →

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